Inner lovership is a path forward for women into masculine & feminine discovery.

This 3 month coaching package is designed to illuminate the patterns inside you as a woman walking through the world.

An experiential dive into feminine maturity - toward becoming more aligned in your relationships.

What does it mean to explore & heal the imprints that can attract the healthy masculine?

Do you find yourself sabotaging relationships or pushing people away?

 Are you tired to attracting the same type of people?

Are you feeling that there is somethnig missing or blocked in your sense of desire + intimacy?

Are you feeling blocked in the full reclaimation of your sensuality, & loving flow?

Would you like to embody more of your inner king & Queen? 

This gift of this container is to be held in loving presence & respect by the masculine.

I weave the best of intimacy & relationship teachings, & mix these up with a whole host of practices, workbooks, exercises and insights about the nature of masculine & feminine polarity exploration.

Togther we explore nervous system opening & closing practices, erotic design, relationship dynamics, wounding & imprints from your early years, & embodiment, breathwork, and archetypal shadow work.

This allows you to look at your strengths, your blockages, & your desires, and weave a clear path toward personal mastery, & empowerment.

You will develope your ability to play all out & align with your deep yearning for expansive love, from a place of internal empowerment.



  • How mature masculine energy serves your feminne essence,
  • Healing + integrating your inner masculine,
  • Working with your core wounds to release old stories,
  • Deep insight into how to recieve & surrender to healthy energy,
  • How to dance with + serve the masculine, inside yourself & within the outer world,
  • How to cultivate healthy relationship practice to nurture your needs & desires in intimacy,
  • Exploring wounding, your unique imprints,
  • Moving away from drama triangles into resonance & authentic relating,
  • How to embody your archetypal energies,
  • How to see your shadows and patterns holding you back,
  • Exploring dark & light eros in the masculine & feminine,
  • Erotic Blueprint Insights to help you access more of your fundamental erotic nature.


  • 12 Weekly or Bi-weekly 90 minute calls (Theory + Practice) 
  • 1x aftercare & integration call,
  • Breathwork & enquiry to discover whats underneath,
  • Workbooks for each Module,
  • Accountability practices, Aspectics Processes, Shadow work, Emotional release exercises,
  • Embodied practice to evoke each chapters energy,
  • Hypno Breathwork to unblock and expand,
  • Access to whatsapp private messaging for daily support,
  • Detailed notes on each session to highlight your evolution and process, 
  • Deeply empathic, trauma informed, fierce but gentle coaching & mentorship that will hold you lovingly throughout your journey. 






“I came to Alex for help in processing a breakup and gleaning as much wisdom from the experience as I could.

Alex walked me through my inner child archetype and gently guided me to see some of my shadow patterns and wounds that were playing out and blocking me from aligned love.

Through being a clear mirror, Alex’s sessions gave me so much confidence in my decisions by providing a reflection of what was truly my heart’s desire versus what I felt I was conditioned to do or too afraid to do.

I walked away with tools for how to access that clarity through different modalities I can use myself such as breathwork, a lens of self-inquiry through the tools of various archetypes and narrative construction, and an erotic blueprint mapping.

 Alex is a true champion of the heart and I recommend his support to anyone ready to take a look at what is blocking them in their relationships.”


I just completed my 12 week Inner Lovership container with Alex and wow what a transformational journey it was! I called in this space with an intention of seeing and healing my relationship with the masculine. I started the journey so angry, hurt and sad at my relationship with the men in my life. There was something so healing for me as a women to be held in a safe space by a man. 

Alex showed up to each session fully present and ready to meet me where I was at. We dove into some deep topics that weaved in embodiment practices that I could incorporate directly into my life. 

Throughout the journey I was able to touch back into my past selves and bring them forward to be witnesses in love. I gained a deep compassion and understanding for myself and also the men in my life. 

I’ve honestly never felt more confident, more embodiment, more in my pleasure than I have from taking this journey. This truely is an inner love journey. I feel more in love with myself then ever before. I’m inspired to stay committed to my practices and the daily steps it takes to radiate my energy into the world. My deepest gratitude to Alex for walking this road alongside me and sharing the gems he himself has embodied. It’s so inspiring to see someone so dedicated to this work and sharing his gifts. I highly recommend this container to anyone desiring healing and deeper intimacy with yourself and those around you.

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